TK Publikációs díj

A TK Publikációs Díjat 2012-ben hozta létre a Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont főigazgatója azzal a céllal, hogy elismerje az adott év legrangosabb publikációját. A Díjat tudományterületenként nyerik el a legrangosabb nemzetközi folyóirat vagy szakkönyv publikációk. Az elismerést a legmagasabb impakt faktorú, legalább Q1-es vagy D1-es folyóiratcikk, szakkönyv esetén rangos nemzetközi kiadónál megjelent, szerzőként jegyzett monográfia vagy szakkönyv nyerheti el. 



Csata Zsombor; Péti Márton; Compton, Betty; Liu, Amy H.; Sándor, Zsolt: The income effects of minority co-ethnic employment. The case of Hungarians in Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of Ethnic And Migration Studies, 1-23., Q1, IF: 3,3

Szente Zoltán: The myth of populist constitutionalism in Hungary and Poland. Populist or authoritarian constitutionalism? International Journal of Constitutional Law, 1–29. 1,519, Q1

Ana Stojilovska: Fostering a democratic and socially just energy transition. How do Ombudspersons in Europe frame energy poverty? Energy Research and Social Science, 107 p.

Kovách Imre, Megyesi Boldizsár: Motivations of Subsistence Farming in Hungary. Analysis of a Multi-Factored Phenomenon. Rural Sociology

Elwert, F., Keller, Tamás, Kotsadam, A. (2023) Rearranging the Desk Chairs. A large randomized field experiment on the effects of close contact on interethnic relations. American Journal of Sociology, 128(6), 1809–1840

Vanhuysse, Pieter; Medgyesi, Márton; Gál, Róbert Iván: Taxing reproduction. The full transfer cost of rearing children in Europe. Royal Society Open Science 10 (10) Paper: 230759, 25 p. Q1, IF: 3,5,


Hoffmann Tamás (TK JTI): Illegal Legality and the Façade of Good Faith – Migration and Law in Populist Hungary. Review of Central and East European Law

Neumann Eszter (TK KI): Education for a Christian nation: Religion and nationalism in the Hungarian education policy discourse. European Education Research Journal

Papp Zsófia (TK PTI): Environmental attitudes, environmental problems and party choice. A large-N comparative study. Political Geography

Herke Boglárka & Janky Béla (TK SZI): The Role of the Deservingness Criteria in the case of Single Mothers’ Perceived Welfare Deservingness in Hungary. Journal of Social Policy

Koltai Júlia (TK CSS RECENS): Understanding hesitancy with revealed preferences across COVID-19 vaccine types. Scientific Reports

Husz Ildikó, Kopasz Marianna & Medgyesi Márton (TK CSS GYEP): Social Workers’ Causal Attributions for Poverty: Does the level of spatial concentration of disadvantages matter? Social Indicators Research


Fekete Balázs (TK JTI): Paradigms in modern European comparative law. Hart Publishing

Durst Judit (TK KI): „I felt I arrived home” The minority mobility trajectory for first-in-family Hungarian Roma graduates. Springer International Publishing

Bene Márton (TK PTI): Who reaps the benefits? A cross-country investigation of the absolute and relative normalization and equalization theses in the 2019 European Parliament elections. New Media & Society

Győri Ágnes, Huszár Ákos & Balogh Karolina (TK SZI): Differences in the domestic energy consumption in Hungary. Trends between 2006–2017. Energies

Ságvári Bence (TK CSS RECENS): Inequality is rising where social network segregation interacts with urbantopology. Nature Communications,  Volume 12

Győri Ágnes & Perpék Éva (TK GYEP): Work conditions and burnout: an exploratory study among Hungarian workers in family and child welfare, child protection and pedagogical professional services. European Journal of Social Work


Varju Márton (TK JTI): Member State interests and European Union Law. Routledge

Feischmidt Margit & Zakariás Ildikó (TK KI): How Migration Experience Affects the Acceptance and Active Support of Refugees? Philanthropy and Paid Work of Hungarian Migrants in the German Immigrant Service. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies

Hajnal György (TK PTI): Illiberal challenges to mainstream public management research. Public Management Review, 23(3)

Albert Fruzsina & Hajdu Gábor (TK SZI): Association between poverty indicators and social relations. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice

Samu Flóra, Takács Károly & Számadó Szabolcs (TK CSS RECENS): Scarce and directly beneficial reputations support cooperation. Scientific Reports

Medgyesi Márton (TK GYEP): Poor targeting? Targeting the poor? Redistribution in the Hungarian welfare system by age and socioeconomic status. Social Policy and Administration


Szép Viktor (TK JTI): New intergovernmentalism meets EU sanctions policy: The European Council orchestrates the restrictive measures imposed against Russia. Journal of European Integration

Dobos Balázs (TK KI): The Elections to Nonterritorial Autonomies of Central and South Eastern Europe. Nationalities Papers

Medve-Bálint Gergő (TK PTI): EU funds, state capacity and the development of transnational industrial policies in Europe’s Eastern periphery. Review of International Political Economy

Messing Vera (TK SZI): Conceptual and Methodological Considerations in Researching “Roma Migration”. Constructing Roma Migrants: European Narratives and Local Governance, London: Springer

Koltai Júlia ((TK CSS RECENS): Collapse of an online social network:  Burning social capital to create it? Social Networks, Volume 57


Bencze Mátyás (TK JTI): How to Measure the Quality of Judicial Reasoning. Springer

Kovács Eszter (TK KI): The power of second-generation diaspora: Hungarian ethnic lobbying in the United States in the 1970–1980s. Diaspora Studies

Sebők Miklós (TK PTI): Electoral reforms, entry barriers and  the structure of political markets:  A comparative analysis. European Journal of Political Research; Vol. 57.

Tóth Olga (TK SZI): The impact of intimate partner violence on forgone healthcare: a population-based, multicentre European study. European Journal of Public Health

Számadó Szabolcs (TK CSS RECENS): Caring for parents: an evolutionary rationale. BMC Biology


Pap András László (TK JTI): Democratic Decline in Hungary Law and Society in an Illiberal Democracy. Routledge

Vizi Balázs (TK KI): Beyond International Conditionality: Local Variations of Minority Representation in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Nomos

Körösényi András & Patkós Veronika (TK PTI): Variations for Inspirational Leadership: The Incumbency of Berlusconi and Orbán. Parliamentary Affairs

Hajdu Gábor (TK SZI): The association between experiential and material expenditures and subjective well-being. Journal of Economic Psychology

Keller Tamás (TK CSS RECENS): Mighty oaks from little acorns? The role of self-assessment in educational transitions: mediation and moderation effects. Research Papers in Education


Szente Zoltán (TK JTI): The Principle of Effective Legal Protection in Administrative Law – A European Comparison. A European Comparison, London: Routledge, p416

Feischmidt Margit (TK KI): Understanding the rise of the far right from a local perspective: Structural and cultural conditions of ethno-traditionalist inclusion and racial exclusion in rural Hungary. Global Studies in Culture and Power

Bene Márton (TK PTI): Go viral on the Facebook! Interactions between Candidates and Followers on Facebook during the Hungarian General Election Campaign of 2014. Information, Communication and Society

Csurgó Bernadett & Kovách Imre (TK SZI): Exploring the Role of ‘Discretionary Practice’ in the Negotiation of Shared Spaces of Community Food Growing. Sociologia Ruralis

Számadó Szabolcs (TK CSS–RECENS): Deception Undermines the Stability of Cooperation in Games of Indirect Reciprocity. PLOS One, 11(1)


Pap András László (TK JTI): Is there a legal right to free choice of ethno-racial identity? Legal and political difficulties in defining minority communities and membership boundaries. Columbia Human Rights Law Review, Volume 46. No. 2. Winter 2015, pp. 153-232

Fedinec Csilla (TK KI): Some Aspects of Hungarian-Ukrainian Relations in Our Time. A Jubilee Collection: Essays in Honor of Professor Paul Robert Magocsi. Uzhgorod - Presov - New York, V. Padiak Publisher, 2015. 185-192

Balázs Zoltán (TK PTI): Artificial eternity: The problem of political succession in Pedro Calderón della Barca’s Life Is a Dream and Heinrich von Kleist’s The Prince of Homburg. Contemporary Political Theory, Volume 14. No.1. pp. 2-22

Takács Judit (TK SZI): Disciplining gender and (homo)sexuality in state socialist Hungary in the 1970s. European Review of History, Volume 22. No.1. pp. 161-175


Fekete Balázs (TK JTI): Raising Points of Law on the Court's Own Motion?: Two Models of European Legal Thinking. Maastricht Journal Of European And Comparative Law 21:(4) pp. 652-675

Medve-Bálint Gergő (TK PTI): The Role of the EU in Shaping FDI Flows to East Central Europe. Journal of Common Market Studies 52:(1) pp. 35-51

Szikra Dorottya (TK SZI): Democracy and welfare in hard times: The social policy of the Orbán Government in Hungary between 2010 and 2014. Journal of European Social Policy 24:(5) pp. 486-500


Jakab András (TK JTI): Continuity with Deficiencies: The New Basic Law of Hungary. European Constitutional Law Review, 2013: 9 102-138.

Bárdi Nándor (TK KI): Different Images of the Future of the Hungarian Communities in Neighbouring Countries. European Review: Interdisciplinary Journal Of The Academia Europaea 21:(4) pp. 530-552.

Róbert Péter (TK PTI): The long and short of asking questions about income. Quality and Quantity, 47 (4), 1957-1969.

Janky Béla (TK SZI): The poverty assistance paradox. Economics Letters 120:(3) pp. 447-449.


Nótári Tamás (TK JTI): Remarks on the Decreta of the First Hungarian King, Stephen I. Fundamina 18. 2012/2. 108-118.

Róbert Péter (TK PTI): Learning and Working: The Impact of the 'Double Status Position' on the Labour Market Entry Process of Graduates in CEE Countries. European Sociological Review (ISSN: 0266-7215) 28: (6) pp. 742-754.

Szabó Gabriella & Kiss Balázs (TK PTI): Trends in Political Communication in Hungary: A Postcommunist Experience Twenty Years after the Fall of Dictatorship. International Journal of Press / Politics 17:(4) pp. 480-496.

Takács Judit & P. Tóth Tamás (TK SZI): Effects of Stigmatization on Gay Men Living with HIV/AIDS in a Central-Eastern European Context: A Qualitative Analysis from Hungary. Sexuality Research and Social Policy

Kristóf Luca (TK SZI): What happened Afterwards?: Change and Continuity in the Hungarian Elite between 1988 and 2009. Historical Social Research - Historische Sozialforschung 37:(2) pp. 108-122.