TK Publikációs díj

A TK Publikációs Díjat 2012-ben hozta létre a Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont főigazgatója azzal a céllal, hogy elismerje az adott év legrangosabb publikációját. A Díjat tudományterületenként nyerik el a legrangosabb nemzetközi folyóirat vagy szakkönyv publikációk. Az elismerést a legmagasabb impakt faktorú, legalább Q1-es vagy D1-es folyóiratcikk, szakkönyv esetén rangos nemzetközi kiadónál megjelent, szerzőként jegyzett monográfia vagy szakkönyv nyerheti el. 



Herke Boglárka, Janky Béla: The Role of the Deservingness Criteria in the case of Single Mothers’ Perceived Welfare Deservingness in Hungary. Journal of Social Policy, 2021. december 6. pp. 1–21. FirstView 3.269 D1

Kutasi K, Koltai J, Szabó-Morvai Á, Röst G, Karsai M, Biró P, Lengyel B. Understanding hesitancy with revealed preferences across COVID-19 vaccine types. Scientific Reports 12:1 Paper: 13293, 10 p. (2022) IF 4,38.

Neumann Eszter: Education for a Christian nation: Religion and nationalism in the Hungarian education policy discourse European Education Research Journal, IF 1,701

Hoffmann Tamás: Illegal Legality and the Façade of Good Faith. Migration and Law in Populist Hungary. Review of Central and East European Law, Vol. 47, 2022. Q1.

Papp, Zsófia: Environmental attitudes, environmental problems and party choice. A large-N comparative study. Political Geography, IF 3,62

Husz Ildikó, Kopasz Marianna, Medgyesi Márton: Social Workers’ Causal Attributions for Poverty. Does the level of spatial concentration of disadvantages matter? Social Indicators Research 162. 1069–1091 (2022) Q1, IF: 2.935


Hoffmann Tamás (TK JTI): Illegal Legality and the Façade of Good Faith – Migration and Law in Populist Hungary. Review of Central and East European Law

Neumann Eszter (TK KI): Education for a Christian nation: Religion and nationalism in the Hungarian education policy discourse. European Education Research Journal

Papp Zsófia (TK PTI): Environmental attitudes, environmental problems and party choice. A large-N comparative study. Political Geography

Herke Boglárka & Janky Béla (TK SZI): The Role of the Deservingness Criteria in the case of Single Mothers’ Perceived Welfare Deservingness in Hungary. Journal of Social Policy

Koltai Júlia (TK CSS RECENS): Understanding hesitancy with revealed preferences across COVID-19 vaccine types. Scientific Reports

Husz Ildikó, Kopasz Marianna & Medgyesi Márton (TK CSS GYEP): Social Workers’ Causal Attributions for Poverty: Does the level of spatial concentration of disadvantages matter? Social Indicators Research


Fekete Balázs (TK JTI): Paradigms in modern European comparative law. Hart Publishing

Durst Judit (TK KI): „I felt I arrived home” The minority mobility trajectory for first-in-family Hungarian Roma graduates. Springer International Publishing

Bene Márton (TK PTI): Who reaps the benefits? A cross-country investigation of the absolute and relative normalization and equalization theses in the 2019 European Parliament elections. New Media & Society

Győri Ágnes, Huszár Ákos & Balogh Karolina (TK SZI): Differences in the domestic energy consumption in Hungary. Trends between 2006–2017. Energies

Ságvári Bence (TK CSS RECENS): Inequality is rising where social network segregation interacts with urbantopology. Nature Communications,  Volume 12

Győri Ágnes & Perpék Éva (TK GYEP): Work conditions and burnout: an exploratory study among Hungarian workers in family and child welfare, child protection and pedagogical professional services. European Journal of Social Work


Varju Márton (TK JTI): Member State interests and European Union Law. Routledge

Feischmidt Margit & Zakariás Ildikó (TK KI): How Migration Experience Affects the Acceptance and Active Support of Refugees? Philanthropy and Paid Work of Hungarian Migrants in the German Immigrant Service. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies

Hajnal György (TK PTI): Illiberal challenges to mainstream public management research. Public Management Review, 23(3)

Albert Fruzsina & Hajdu Gábor (TK SZI): Association between poverty indicators and social relations. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice

Samu Flóra, Takács Károly & Számadó Szabolcs (TK CSS RECENS): Scarce and directly beneficial reputations support cooperation. Scientific Reports

Medgyesi Márton (TK GYEP): Poor targeting? Targeting the poor? Redistribution in the Hungarian welfare system by age and socioeconomic status. Social Policy and Administration


Szép Viktor (TK JTI): New intergovernmentalism meets EU sanctions policy: The European Council orchestrates the restrictive measures imposed against Russia. Journal of European Integration

Dobos Balázs (TK KI): The Elections to Nonterritorial Autonomies of Central and South Eastern Europe. Nationalities Papers

Medve-Bálint Gergő (TK PTI): EU funds, state capacity and the development of transnational industrial policies in Europe’s Eastern periphery. Review of International Political Economy

Messing Vera (TK SZI): Conceptual and Methodological Considerations in Researching “Roma Migration”. Constructing Roma Migrants: European Narratives and Local Governance, London: Springer

Koltai Júlia ((TK CSS RECENS): Collapse of an online social network:  Burning social capital to create it? Social Networks, Volume 57


Bencze Mátyás (TK JTI): How to Measure the Quality of Judicial Reasoning. Springer

Kovács Eszter (TK KI): The power of second-generation diaspora: Hungarian ethnic lobbying in the United States in the 1970–1980s. Diaspora Studies

Sebők Miklós (TK PTI): Electoral reforms, entry barriers and  the structure of political markets:  A comparative analysis. European Journal of Political Research; Vol. 57.

Tóth Olga (TK SZI): The impact of intimate partner violence on forgone healthcare: a population-based, multicentre European study. European Journal of Public Health

Számadó Szabolcs (TK CSS RECENS): Caring for parents: an evolutionary rationale. BMC Biology


Pap András László (TK JTI): Democratic Decline in Hungary Law and Society in an Illiberal Democracy. Routledge

Vizi Balázs (TK KI): Beyond International Conditionality: Local Variations of Minority Representation in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Nomos

Körösényi András & Patkós Veronika (TK PTI): Variations for Inspirational Leadership: The Incumbency of Berlusconi and Orbán. Parliamentary Affairs

Hajdu Gábor (TK SZI): The association between experiential and material expenditures and subjective well-being. Journal of Economic Psychology

Keller Tamás (TK CSS RECENS): Mighty oaks from little acorns? The role of self-assessment in educational transitions: mediation and moderation effects. Research Papers in Education


Szente Zoltán (TK JTI): The Principle of Effective Legal Protection in Administrative Law – A European Comparison. A European Comparison, London: Routledge, p416

Feischmidt Margit (TK KI): Understanding the rise of the far right from a local perspective: Structural and cultural conditions of ethno-traditionalist inclusion and racial exclusion in rural Hungary. Global Studies in Culture and Power

Bene Márton (TK PTI): Go viral on the Facebook! Interactions between Candidates and Followers on Facebook during the Hungarian General Election Campaign of 2014. Information, Communication and Society

Csurgó Bernadett & Kovách Imre (TK SZI): Exploring the Role of ‘Discretionary Practice’ in the Negotiation of Shared Spaces of Community Food Growing. Sociologia Ruralis

Számadó Szabolcs (TK CSS–RECENS): Deception Undermines the Stability of Cooperation in Games of Indirect Reciprocity. PLOS One, 11(1)


Pap András László (TK JTI): Is there a legal right to free choice of ethno-racial identity? Legal and political difficulties in defining minority communities and membership boundaries. Columbia Human Rights Law Review, Volume 46. No. 2. Winter 2015, pp. 153-232

Fedinec Csilla (TK KI): Some Aspects of Hungarian-Ukrainian Relations in Our Time. A Jubilee Collection: Essays in Honor of Professor Paul Robert Magocsi. Uzhgorod - Presov - New York, V. Padiak Publisher, 2015. 185-192

Balázs Zoltán (TK PTI): Artificial eternity: The problem of political succession in Pedro Calderón della Barca’s Life Is a Dream and Heinrich von Kleist’s The Prince of Homburg. Contemporary Political Theory, Volume 14. No.1. pp. 2-22

Takács Judit (TK SZI): Disciplining gender and (homo)sexuality in state socialist Hungary in the 1970s. European Review of History, Volume 22. No.1. pp. 161-175


Fekete Balázs (TK JTI): Raising Points of Law on the Court's Own Motion?: Two Models of European Legal Thinking. Maastricht Journal Of European And Comparative Law 21:(4) pp. 652-675

Medve-Bálint Gergő (TK PTI): The Role of the EU in Shaping FDI Flows to East Central Europe. Journal of Common Market Studies 52:(1) pp. 35-51

Szikra Dorottya (TK SZI): Democracy and welfare in hard times: The social policy of the Orbán Government in Hungary between 2010 and 2014. Journal of European Social Policy 24:(5) pp. 486-500


Jakab András (TK JTI): Continuity with Deficiencies: The New Basic Law of Hungary. European Constitutional Law Review, 2013: 9 102-138.

Bárdi Nándor (TK KI): Different Images of the Future of the Hungarian Communities in Neighbouring Countries. European Review: Interdisciplinary Journal Of The Academia Europaea 21:(4) pp. 530-552.

Róbert Péter (TK PTI): The long and short of asking questions about income. Quality and Quantity, 47 (4), 1957-1969.

Janky Béla (TK SZI): The poverty assistance paradox. Economics Letters 120:(3) pp. 447-449.


Nótári Tamás (TK JTI): Remarks on the Decreta of the First Hungarian King, Stephen I. Fundamina 18. 2012/2. 108-118.

Róbert Péter (TK PTI): Learning and Working: The Impact of the 'Double Status Position' on the Labour Market Entry Process of Graduates in CEE Countries. European Sociological Review (ISSN: 0266-7215) 28: (6) pp. 742-754.

Szabó Gabriella & Kiss Balázs (TK PTI): Trends in Political Communication in Hungary: A Postcommunist Experience Twenty Years after the Fall of Dictatorship. International Journal of Press / Politics 17:(4) pp. 480-496.

Takács Judit & P. Tóth Tamás (TK SZI): Effects of Stigmatization on Gay Men Living with HIV/AIDS in a Central-Eastern European Context: A Qualitative Analysis from Hungary. Sexuality Research and Social Policy

Kristóf Luca (TK SZI): What happened Afterwards?: Change and Continuity in the Hungarian Elite between 1988 and 2009. Historical Social Research - Historische Sozialforschung 37:(2) pp. 108-122.