Mi az MTA Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpontban büszkék vagyunk a kutatóinkra. Büszkék vagyunk rájuk, függetlenül attól, hogy a határon túli magyarok helyzete, a társadalmi egyenlőtlenségek, speciális helyzetű társadalmi csoportok, a közpolitika intézményeibe vetett bizalom vagy a sajtószabadság érvényesülése terén folytatnak felfedező kutatást. A Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpontban a témaválasztás szabad, mert csak a szabad, kíváncsiság által vezérelt témaválasztásból származik igazi innováció. A kiválóság egyetlen - igaz, nagyon szigorú - mércéje a kutatásban a tudományosság nemzetközileg elfogadott módszereinek alkalmazása, az eredmények rangos folyóiratokban és kiadóknál való publikálása, a sikerességet egy objektív teljesítményértékelési rendszer minősíti minden évben.
Munkánkkal arra törekszünk, hogy a társadalom számára fontos témákban a tudományos alapú megközelítés véleményformáló szerepet töltsön be.
A társadalomtudományi kutatás haszna az, hogy az egyéni sorsok mögött feltárja a társadalmi törvényszerűségeket és ezzel higgadt és kiegyensúlyozott gondolkodási alapot teremt. A társadalomtudományi kutatás természeténél fogva kritikai jellegű, azaz a társadalom működésében, az emberek egymás közötti kapcsolataiban jelentkező problémák feltárására, ezek okainak megismerésére törekszik. Ezt a feladatát csak akkor tudja ellátni, ha ellentmondásos jelenségek vizsgálatától sem riad vissza. Az így feltárt és közzétett ismeretekre építve mindenki kialakíthatja a saját véleményét és segítséget kaphat a világban való eligazodáshoz.
Örömmel vesszük, hogy érdeklődésével megtisztelte honlapunkat. Kérjük, tájékozódjon munkánkról, nézze meg kutatásaink listáját, várjuk rendezvényeinken.
Rudas Tamás
Az MTA TK kutatóinak kiemelkedő nemzetközi publikációi - 2018. január 1. - november 30.
Az MTA TK kutatóinak 2018. január 1. - november 30. között 64 publikációja jelent meg kiemelkedő nemzetközi folyóiratokban, illetve kiadóknál.
1.Kmetty Zoltán, Tardos Róbert; Albert Fruzsina; Dávid Beáta: Mapping social milieus and cohesion patterns between 1997 and 2014; Social Networks, Volume 55, October 2018, Pages 116–129; Impakt faktor: 2.462
2.Bárdi Nándor; Kiss Tamás: Minority Political Agency in Historical Perspective: Periodization and Key Problems; 37-70 p. In: Bardi N. – Kiss T. et. al (eds.): Unequal accomodation of minority rights. Hungarians in Transylvania. Palgrave Macmillan, London-New York, 2018
3.Bárdi Nándor (ed.); Kiss Tamás; Toró Tibor; Székely István Gergő; Horváth István: Unequal Accommodation of Minority Rights, Hungarians in Transylvania. Eds. Kiss T., Székely I.G., Toró T., Bárdi N., HorváthI., Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 554 p.
4.Bene Márton: Sharing Is Caring! Investigating Viral Posts on Politicians’ Facebook Pages During the 2014 General Election Campaign in Hungary; Journal of Information Technology & Politics; Vol. 14. 2017. No. 4. 387-402 p.; Impakt faktor: 2.042
5.Bene Márton: Post Shared, Vote Shared: Investigating the Link Between Facebook Performance and Electoral Success During the Hungarian General Election Campaign of 2014; Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 95. No. 2. 363-380 p.; Impakt faktor: 1,717
6.Bene Márton; Szabó Gabriella, Cristian Norocel: Media Visibility and Inclusion of Radical Right Populism in Hungary and Romania; Problems of Post-Communism; 2018. 1-14 p.; Impakt faktor: 0.755
7.Békés Csaba: Hungary 1968: Reform and the challange of the Prague Spring.; Palgrave Macmillan - In: Kevin McDermott –Matthew Stibbe (Eds.) Eastern Europe in 1968. Responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact invasion. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 147–167.
8.Boda Zsolt, Ócsai András: The Power of Tradition: Béres Pharmaceuticals; In: E. O'Higgins, L. Zsolnai (szerk.) Progressive Business Models: Creating Sustainable and Pro-Social Enterprise. 310 p. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. pp. 51-72.
9.Csata Zsombor: Economy and Ethnicity in Transylvania; Part of the Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series book series ( CAL); Palgrave Macmillan; 2018
10.Csata Zsombor, Marácz László: Regulatory Environment, Linguistic Inequalities, and New Opportunities for Hungarian Minority Interest Representation in Romania.; Language Policy and Linguistic Justice pp 393-430; Springer 2018.
11.Smith M K; Egedy T; Csizmady Adrienne; Jancsik A; Olt Gergely; Michalkó G: Non-planning and tourism consumption in Budapest’s inner city; Tourism Geographies : An International Journal Of Tourism Space Place And Environment, Volume 20, 2018 - Issue 3; 524-548 p.; Impakt faktor: 2.068
12.Fekete Balázs: The Limits of Sovereignty Pooling: Lessons from Europe; 133-159 p. In: Belov, M. (ed.): Global constitutionalism and its challenges to Westphalian constitutional law; Hart Publishing, 2018.
13.Hajdu Gábor; Hajdu Tamás: Intra-Couple Income Distribution and Subjective Well-Being: The Moderating Effect of Gender Norms; European Sociological Review; Vol. 34. 2018. No. 2. 138-156 p.; Impakt faktor: 2.062
14.Hajdu Gábor; Gerő Márton: The Size and Heterogeneity of Egocentric Networks and Social Integration in Hungary; East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures, 2018. 1-21 p., OnlineFirst; Impakt faktor: 0.400
15.Hajdu Tamás; Hajdu Gábor: Smoking ban and health at birth: Evidence from Hungary; Economics & Human Biology; Vol. 38. 2018. 37-47 p.; Impakt faktor: 2.168
16.Husz Ildikó: ‘You Would Eat It If You Were Hungry’. Local Perceptions and Interpretations of Child Food Poverty; Children and Society; Vol. 32. 2018. No. 3. 233-243 p.; Impakt faktor: 0.802
17.Vidra Zsuzsanna; Katona Noémi; Sebhelyi Viktória: State policies and institutional procedures and practices addressing prostitution and sex trafficking of children in Hungary; Critical Social Policy; Vol. 38. 2018. No. 4. 645-666 p.; Impakt faktor: 1.294
18.Keller Tamás: Caught in the Monkey Trap: Elaborating the Hypothesis for Why Income Aspiration Decreases Life Satisfaction; Journal Of Happiness Studies / Kluwer Academic Publishers; 2018. No. 1. 1-12 p.; Impakt faktor: 2.327
19.Keller Tamás: Dare to Dream: A Vignette Survey on Self-Selection in Secondary Education Track Choice; Sociological Research Online; 2018. No. 1. 1-20 p.; Impakt faktor: 0.519
20.Keller Tamás: The Mid-week Effect and Why Thursdays Are Blue: The Weekly Rhythm of Satisfaction in Hungary; Czech Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 54, No. 3: 371–399; Impakt faktor: 0.432
21.Kisfalusi Dorottya; Pál Judit; Boda Zsófia: Bullying and victimization among majority and minority students: The role of peers’ ethnic perceptions, Social Networks, Online first, 2018. 1 p.; Impakt faktor: 2.530
22.Kisfalusi Dorottya; Janky Béla; Takács Károly: Double Standards or Social Identity? The Role of Gender and Ethnicity in Ability Perceptions in the Classroom; Journal of Early Adolescence; Online first, 2018. 1-36 p.; Impakt faktor: 1.828
23.Kovács Eszter: The power of second-generation diaspora: Hungarian ethnic lobbying in the United States in the 1970–1980s; Diaspora Studies, Volume 11, 2017. Issue 2, 171-188 p., Taylor and Francis; SJR 0.21, Q1
24.Körösényi András Zsigmond; Metz Rudolf; Illés Gábor István: Broadening the limits of reconstructive leadership: Constructivist aspects of Viktor Orbán’s regime-building politics; The British Journal of Politics & International Relations, (OnlineFirst: Online publication date: 18-May-2018), 1-19. DOI: 10.1177/1369148118775043; 2018. Vol. 20. Issue 4. 790-808 p.; Impakt faktor: 1.423
25.Körösényi András Zsigmond: Political Elites and Democracy; 41-52 p. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Political Elites, Palgrave MacMillan, 2018. 698 p.
26.Kristóf Luca; Csurgó Bernadett: Narrative Identities and the Egalitarian Norm Among Hungarian Elite Couples; Journal of Family Issues; Vol. 39. No. 7. 2107-2130 p.; Impakt faktor: 1.696
27.Majtényi Balázs; Kopper Ákos; Susánszky Pál: Constitutional othering, ambiguity and subjective risks of mobilization in Hungary: examples from the migration crisis; Democratization, Received 28 Oct 2017, Accepted 21 Jun 2018, Published online: 13 Jul 2018; Taylor and Francis; Impakt faktor: 2.5
28.Medve Bálint Gergő: The Cohesion Policy on the EU’s Eastern and Southern Periphery: Misallocated Funds?; Studies in Comparative International Development, Springer, Vol. 53. 2018. No. 2. 218-238 p.; Impakt faktor: 0.977 (2016)
29.Megyesi Gergely Boldizsár, Mike Károly: Communities after markets. The long road of winemakers to self-governance in post-communist Hungary; Geoforum Volume 88, January 2018, Pages 129-137; Impakt faktor: 2.067
30.Lucia de Haene; Neumann Eszter; Pataki Gyöngyvér: Refugees in Europe: Educational policies and practices as spaces of hospitality?; European Education Research Journal; Vol. 17. No. 2. 211-218 p.; Impakt faktor: 0.565
31.Olt Gergely; Ludovic Lepeltier-Kutasi: Urban rehabilitation and residential struggles in the post-socialist city of Budapest; Routledge, Routledge Studies in Urbanism and the City;
32.Papp Mónika; Varju Márton: The Crisis, Economic Patriotism in Central Europe and EU law. In 'Highs and Lows of European Integration (Editors: Antoniolli, Luisa, Bonatti, Luigi, Ruzza, Carlo)'; Springer; 2018. pp 143-163.
33.Papp Z. Attila: Trickster Logics in the Hungarian Dual-Citizenship Offer; Journal Nationalism and Ethnic Politics; Vol. 23, 2017. Issue 1. 18-32. p.; Impakt faktor: 0.385
34.Papp Z. Attila; Szakolczai Árpád; Horváth Ágnes: Individualization as Depersonalization: Minority Studies and Political Anthropology; Nationalism and Ethnic Politics; Vol. 23, 2017. Issue 1: 1-17 p.; Impakt faktor: 0.385
35.Papp Zsófia: Same Species, Different Breed. The Conditional Effect of Legislator Activities in Parliament on Re-selection in a Mixed-Member Electoral System; Parliamentary Affairs; 31. January, 2018. gsx049, https://doi.org/10.1093/pa/gsx049; Impakt faktor: 1.232
36.Papp Zsófia, Federico Russo: Parliamentary Work, Re-Selection and Re-Election: In Search of the Accountability Link; Parliamentary Affairs; Volume 71, Issue 4, 1 October 2018, 853–867. p., https://doi.org/10.1093/pa/gsx047; Impakt faktor: 1.232
37.Papp Zsófia: Do Personalised Campaigns Hint at Legislator Activities? The (Lacking) Relationship Between Campaigns and Legislator Behaviour in Hungary; Parliamentary Affairs, Volume 71, Issue 4, 1 October 2018, 908–929. p, https://doi.org/10.1093/pa/gsy025, Online first, 02 July 2018, Oxford University Press; Impakt faktor: 1.163
38.Papp Zsófia; Patkós Veronika: The Macro-Level Driving Factors of Negative Campaigning in Europe (A negatív kampány makro-szintű meghatározói); The International Journal of Press/Politics, 20 Oct 2018 online first, SAGE Journals; Impakt faktor: 2.468
39.Patkós Veronika; Boda Zsolt: Driven by politics: agenda setting and policy-making in Hungary 2010–2014; Policy Studies, Vol. 39, 2018 - Issue 4. 402-421. p. Online first, Taylor and Francis; Impakt faktor: 0.609
40.Pethesné Dávid Beáta, Lukács Ágnes: Roma Undergraduates’ Personal Network in the Process of College Transition. A Social Capital Approach; Research in Higher Education, First Online: 21 March 2018. 1-19 . p. DOI 10.1007/s11162-018-9503-5; Impakt faktor: 1.5
41.Pethesné Dávid Beáta; Albert Fruzsina; Kristóf Luca; Róbert Péter; Szabó Andrea; Kmetty Zoltán: Mapping the Post-communist Class Structure: Findings from a New Multidimensional Hungarian Class Surve; East European Politics And Soieties; Vol 32, Issue 3, 2018. 544-565; Impakt faktor: 0.4
42.Pócza Kálmán (ed.): Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary: Decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe London; New York: Routledge, 2018. 312 p.
43. Pócza Kálmán; Dobos Gábor; Gyulai Attila: Courts compared: The practice of constitutional adjudication in Central and Eastern Europe In: Pócza Kálmán (ed.) Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary: Decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe. 312 p. London; New York: Routledge, 2018. pp. 213-246.
Pócza Kálmán; Dobos Gábor; Gyulai Attila: The Hungarian Constitutional Court A constructive partner in constitutional dialogue In: Pócza Kálmán (ed.) Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary: Decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe. 312 p. London; New York: Routledge, 2018. pp. 96-126.
Pócza Kálmán; Dobos Gábor: Research methodology, In: Pócza Kálmán (ed.) Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary: Decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe. 312 p. London; New York: Routledge, 2018. pp. 8-32.; Routledge
44.Radó Márta; Michael Boissonneult: Short and long-term change in subjective well-being among voluntary and involuntary retirees, The Journal of the Economics of Ageing; Online first, 2018. nov.14.; Impakt faktor: 1.159
45.Rudas Tamás: Lectures on Categorical Data Analysis, (Előadások kategoriális adatok elemzéséről)
Springer Texts in Statistics. Springer, New York; 2018. XI, 285 p
46.Klimova, A; Rudas Tamás: On the role of the overall effect in exponential families. (Az általános hatás szerepe exponenciális eloszlás családokban) Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol. 12, Number 2. 2018, 2430-2453. p; Impakt faktor: 1.53
47.Benczes, R. & Ságvári, Bence. Where metaphors really come from: Social factors as contextual influence in Hungarian teenagers’ metaphorical conceptualizations of life. (A metaforák eredetéről. Az élet metaforikus konceptualizálására ható társadalmi tényezők a magyar tizenévesek körében)
Cognitive Linguistics, 29(1), pp. 121-154 Impakt faktor: 2.135
48.Sebők Miklós Bernát: Institutional Entrepreneurship and the Mission Creep of the National Bank of Hungary; Palgrave Macmillan In: Institutional Entrepreneurship and Policy Change : Theoretical and Empirical Explorations. Ed. by Caner Bakir, Darryl S. L. Jarvis. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 243-278. p.
49.Sebők Miklós Bernát, Berki Tamás: Punctuated Equilibrium In Democracy and Autocracy: An Analysis of Hungarian Budgeting Between 1868 and 2013; Europran Political Science Review; Published online: 19 September 2018; Impakt faktor: 1.722
50. Sebők Miklós Bernát; Horváth Attila; M. Balázs Ágnes: Electoral reforms, entry barriers and the structure of political markets: A comparative analysis (Választási reformok, belépési korlátok és a politikai piacok szerkezete: Egy összehasonlító elemzés; European Journal of Political Research; Vol. 57. 2018. No.4. online first; Impakt faktor: 3.567
51.Susánszky Pál; Majtényi Balázs; Kopper Ákos: Constitutional othering, ambiguity and subjective risks of mobilization in Hungary: examples from the migration crisis; Democratization, Received 28 Oct 2017, Accepted 21 Jun 2018, Published online: 13 Jul 2018; Taylor and Francis; Impakt faktor: 2.5
52.Számadó Szabolcs: When honesty and cheating pay off: the evolution of honest and dishonest equilibria in a conventional signalling game; 2017. december; BMC Evolutionary Biology; Impakt faktor: 3.4
53.Számadó Szabolcs; Zachar István; Szilágyi András;Szathmáry Eörs: Farming the mitochondrial ancestor as a model of endosymbiotic establishment by natural selection; PNAS January 30, 2018. 201718707; Impakt faktor: 9.66
54.Számadó Szabolcs; Dustin J. Penn: Does the handicap principle explain the evolution of dimorphic ornaments?; Animal Behaviour; 2018. Apr, 138, e7-e10; Impakt faktor: 2.86
55.Számadó Szabolcs; Garay József; Csiszár Villő; Móri F. Tamás; Szilágyi András; Varga Zoltán: Juvenile honest food solicitation and parental investment as a life history strategy: A kin demographic selection model; Plos One 2018 március 1.; https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0193420; Impakt faktor: 2.8
56.Garay József; Számadó Szabolcs; Varga Zoltán; Szathmáry Eörs: Caring for parents: an evolutionary rationale; BMC Biology; 2018. May, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12915-018-0519-2; Impakt faktor: 6.77
57.Zachar István; Szilágyi András; Számadó Szabolcs; Szathmáry Eörs: Reply to Garg and Martin: The mechanism works; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; Vol.115. 2018. No.20. July, E4545 – E4546 p.; Impakt faktor: 9.66
58.Szűcs Zoltán Gábor: Aristotle's realist regime theory; European Journal of Political Theory, Online First; 2018. okt. 23.
59.Takács Károly; Simone Righi: Social Closure and the Evolution of Cooperation via Indirect Reciprocity; Scientific Reports, Vol.8 2018.No.1. Article No.11149; Impakt faktor: 4.122
60.Takács Károly; Giangiacomo Bravo; Flaminio Squazzoni: Referrals and Information Flow in Networks Increase Discrimination: A Laboratory Experiment; Social Networks, Vol.54, 2018. 254-265.; Impakt faktor: 2.462
61.Wineroither, David Martin; Seeber Gilg: Three Worlds of Representation: A Linkage-Based Typology of Parties in Western and Eastern Europe; East European Politics and Societies; Vol.32. 2017. No.3. 493-517 p.; Impakt faktor: 0.4
62.Zombory Máté: The birth of the memory of Communism: memorial museums in Europe; Nationalities Papers Vol. 45. 2017. No.6. 1028-1046 p.; Impakt faktor: 0.83
63.Zombory Máté: Centers of Europe 11 p. In: Moskalewicz, M. – Przybylski, W.: Understanding Central Europe, Taylor&Francis Group; Understanding Central Europe, Taylor&Francis Group, 2017. 610 p.
64.Zombory Máté: Conceptions of the catastrophe: discourses on the past before the rise of Holocaust memory; chapter of Jews and Gentiles in Central and Eastern Europe during the Holocaust; Holocaust Studies, Special issue, Vol.23. 2017. issue 1-2. 176-198 p. Taylor&Francis Group; Impakt faktor: 0.11