European societies in times of turmoil
Snapshots from the European Social Survey
The Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest, together with ESS ERIC is announcing a Call for Papers for the ESS Budapest Conference entitled ‘European societies in times of turmoil. Snapshots from the European Social Survey’. The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers, analysts and policy makers to share and discuss scholarly research and analyses based on data of the European Social Survey, especially but not exclusively to topics covered by its last, 9th survey round. The conference aims to provide forum for papers that analyse the state of and changes in societies in Europe. Organizers welcome abstracts:
- that address topics covered by the R9 rotating modules (Timing of Life, and Social Justice and Fairness) of ESS comparatively across Europe;
- reflects on the most recent challenges of Europe including rise of populism and polarization, migration and refugee flows, health related attitudes.
- that offer regional comparisons and demonstrate diverging or converging trends in Europe;
- that investigate methodological challenges that survey research in Europe face, ones that initiate scholarly debate.
The conference is envisaged as a step towards better dissemination and impact of ESS findings. For this end, we plan to invite the best presentations to be submitted to a special issue of the journal Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics [IEEJSP] (indexed by Scimago and ranked as Q2 journal).
The ESS Budapest Conference will be held on following the ESS NC Forum on the 7th July, 2022 in Budapest and will be hosted by the Center for Social Sciences in a hyprid mode (allowing for personal and online presence).
Deadline for abstract submission: 24th April, 2022. Please send your abstract through EasyChair.
Notifications will be sent by the 30th April. For abstracts to be considered, please submit an extended abstract of up to 300 words as well as 3 to 5 keywords, outlining your research and stating the ESS data the paper is based on. Presentations do not need to be final pre-published papers.
Contact of the organizers: Vera Messing and or Bence Ságvári