- Willem K. Korthals Altes – Reinout Kleinhans – Evert Meijers: Relational versus local values of cultural heritage. Tourism gentrification and governance in context
- Melanie Kay Smith: Cultural ecosystem services of visited landscapes. An exploratory comparative study
- Eszter György – Gábor Oláh: The creation of resilient Roma cultural heritage.
Case study of a bottom-up initiative from North-Eastern Hungary - Zoe Latham – Robert Brown: Shenzhen’s Urban Villages. Dialogic cultural landscapes and resilient rituals
- Gergő Hajba: „Struggling with temporality”. A case study of place attachment and displacement of an urban agriculture community in Hungary
- István Grajczjár – Zsófia Nagy – Antal Örkény – Julia Hofmann: Routes to right-wing extremism in times of crises. An Austrian-Hungarian comparison based on the SOCRIS survey
- Melinda Harlov-Csortán: Heritage and the City.
Robert Kusek and Jacek Purchla (eds.): Heritage and the City. International Cultural Centre, Krakow, 2017