New special issue published at Intersections
The special issue of Intersections titled Unsettling Gender, Sexuality, and the European East/West Divisions was published.
Guest editors: Maria Mayerchyk, Olga Plakhotnik, and Jennifer Ramme.
The MORES project's website has been launched
5 September, 2024
BABELGLOB project received funding from EXCELLENCE (National Research Excellence) Programme
August 2024
Principal investigator: Miklós Sebők
Call for job applications: Administrative and Communications Officer
The Director General of the Centre for Social Sciences (CSS) is currently seeking candidates for the position of Administrative and Communications Officer for the MORES project.
Call for papers: Privatized Childhoods
Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics (IEEJSP) invites original research papers for its thematic issue Privatized Childhoods: the decreasing role of the state in childcare services.
New Horizon Europe project to begin next year with HUN-REN CSS on board
A new €9.75m project funded by the European Commission will bring together outputs from key social science research infrastructures to inform the NextGenerationEU recovery plan and European Union youth policy.
New Horizon Europe projects to launch
July 2023
The Horizon Europe research project proposal MORES – "Moral emotions in politics: how they unite, how they divide" submitted by CSS (project leader Zsolt Boda) was successful and got funding. CSS will lead the European consortium.
Honest signalling: from microbes to humans – conference call
Organised by the Computational Social Science – RECENS Research Group of CSS
14–15 September, 2023 :: Centre of Social Science Budapest
The scientific performance of CSS Budapest in 2022
The annual meeting of CSS took place on 23 March, 2023, where General Director Zsolt Boda presented the results of the previous year.
The scientific performance of CSS kept improving also in 2022.