Centre for Social Sciences in H2020 and Horizon Europe
Established in 2012, the Centre for Social Sciences (CSS), a Centre of Excellence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, is currently a partner in nine EU-funded projects within the frameworks of both Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. This amounts to over €1.3 million in funding for excellent and innovative research.
Learn more about our EU funded projects:
CSS is part of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network, an independent public institution managed by a 13-member Governing Board and accountable to the Hungarian Parliament. CSS is classified as a public budgetary institution, making it eligible not only to submit proposals to any EU funding programme but also to participate in EU-funded projects as a coordinator, partner, or sole beneficiary.
Upcoming events
Speaker Series – Dr. Matthew Edward Bergman
Featured news
Invitation to the Machine learning workshop of the POLTEXT project
On November 15th, a workshop will be held on „Machine learning applications” in co-operation between MTA SZTAKI and the POLTEXT project of MTA TK. More information (in Hungarian) is available in the attached invitation.
Call for Applications for the Pro Dissertatione Iuridica Excellentissima Award
Publication: Zoltán Gábor Szűcs's new article
Zoltán Gábor Szűcs recently published a new article entitled "Aristotle's realist regime theory" in European Journal of Political Theory.
Call for Papers: Conference on Rule of Law Challenges in the EU: Implications for Economic Law
Tackling poverty and inequality through the tax system. Guest lecture by Adrian Sinfield
Publication: Csaba Békés's new article
Csaba Békés recently published a new article entitled "Hungary 1968: Reform and the challange of the Prague Spring" in "Eastern Europe in 1968. Responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact invasion" edited by Kevin McDermott és Matthew Stibbe.
Publication: Miklós Sebők's new article
Miklós Sebők and Tamás Berki recently published a new article entitled "Punctuated Equilibrium In Democracy and Autocracy: An Analysis of Hungarian Budgeting Between 1868 and 2013" in European Political Science Review.
Publication: Pál Susánszky's new article
Balázs Majtényi, Ákos Kopper, and Pál Susánszky recently published a new article entitled "Constitutional othering, ambiguity and subjective risks of mobilization in Hungary: examples from the migration crisis" in Democratization.
Publication: Zsófia Papp's new article
Zsófia Papp recently published a new article entitled "Do Personalised Campaigns Hint at Legislator Activities? The (lacking) relationship between campaigns and legislator behaviour in Hungary" in Parliamentary Affairs.
Our results
Measuring attitudes towards voluntary childlessness: Indicators in European comparative surveys
20 March, 2025
New publication:
Szalma I, Heers M, Tanturri ML (2025) Measuring attitudes towards voluntary childlessness: Indicators in European comparative surveys. PLOS ONE 20(3): e0319081. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0319081
Mental health risk in human services work across Europe: the predictive role of employment in various sectors
New publication: Ágnes Győri, Éva Perpék, Szilvia Ádám: Mental health risk in human services work across Europe: the predictive role of employment in various sectors. Frontiers in Public Health-ben (Q1, IF: 3)
30 January, 2025
WISE project and OTKA research: Collective for women for solidarity in energy and the energy crisis in Hungary
4 November, 2024
Transport poverty in Hungary
Expert workshop on 9 October, 2024
Long-term impact of unhealthy food tax on consumption and the drivers behind: A longitudinal study in Hungary
Importance of social inequalities to contact patterns, vaccine uptake, and epidemic dynamics
Manna, A., Koltai, J. & Karsai, M. Importance of social inequalities to contact patterns, vaccine uptake, and epidemic dynamics. Nature Communication 15, 4137 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48332-y
The role of digital status in adult child–parent relationships in European comparative perspective
Attitudes Toward Immigration in Europe. New publication by Ivett Szalma
Ivett Szalma & Marieke Heers (2024) Attitudes Toward Immigration in Europe. Understanding the Links Between Pronatalism and Voluntary Childlessness, International Journal of Sociology, DOI: 10.1080/00207659.2024.2319420
Anti-pluralism, labour market policy and the pandemic: Political uses and social consequences of COVID-19 in Hungary
Gárdos, J., Hungler, S., & Illéssy, M. (2024) Anti-pluralism, Labour Market Policy and the Pandemic: Political Uses and Social Consequences of COVID-19 in Hungary. Social & Legal Studies, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/09646639241233939. Online first. Q1.