BABELGLOB project received funding from EXCELLENCE (National Research Excellence) Programme
August 2024
Principal investigator: Miklós Sebők
Centre for Social Sciences in H2020 and Horizon Europe
Established in 2012, the Centre for Social Sciences (CSS), a Centre of Excellence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, is currently a partner in nine EU-funded projects within the frameworks of both Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. This amounts to over €1.3 million in funding for excellent and innovative research.
Learn more about our EU funded projects:
CSS is part of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network, an independent public institution managed by a 13-member Governing Board and accountable to the Hungarian Parliament. CSS is classified as a public budgetary institution, making it eligible not only to submit proposals to any EU funding programme but also to participate in EU-funded projects as a coordinator, partner, or sole beneficiary.
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Featured news
Our researchers at ECPR General Conference in Wrocław, Poland
Many of our researchers attended at ECPR General Conference held in Wrocław, Poland from 3 to 7 September
PhD Conference - Call For Contributions
The study of political phenomena has attracted scholars from different disciplines (such as comparative politics, political economy, political sociology and political communication), who approach intertwined questions from distinct perspectives. The resulting discourses, however, rarely engage with each other, while a comprehensive understanding of politics requires the joint application of diverse theoretical and methodological approaches, as well as syntheses of their results. This year’s instalment of our graduate conference, organised for the fifth time, aims to promote joint discourse and reflection by providing a forum for doctoral candidates and (post)graduate students engaged in political research
CAP receives Lijphart/Przeworski/Verba dataset award at APSA
This weekend at APSA, Bryan Jones accepted the Lijphart/Przeworski/Verba award for best dataset on behalf of Comparative Agendas Project for its important contribution to comparative politics. The Hungarian CAP team was represented by its research director, Miklós Sebők
Call for Papers: Passionate Europe. An expressive turn in European parliamentary election campaign communication and media discourses
Four new projects are to be launched funded by the Incubator - Collaborative Research Projects Fund
23 August, 2019
The 2019 Annual Meeting of Gypsy Lore Society and Conference on Romani Studies at the University of Iceland, Reykjavík
Our colleague, Péter BOGDÁN will attend and present the paper entitled Ethnic support groups and the minority culture of (educational) mobility: An institutional ethnography from North Hungary, written together with Judit DURST.
The event will take place at the University of Iceland, 15-17 August 2019.
The conference program can be read here.
Migration, Exile, and Diaspora in Historical Perspective. Conference at the Department of History, CEU, Budapest
Our colleague, Ildikó ZAKARIÁS will give a lecture at the conference on 13 August 2019.
Title of her lecture: Producing deservingness, managing vulnerability – refugee representations of Hungarian migrants working in the German reception system
The conference program can be read here.
CSS HAS researchers participate in the Annual Conference of the European Sociological Association
Assya Kavrakova: Without Citizens' perspectives, We Won't Understand Populism
Populism has been widely studied by academia. Yet, studies haven’t ascertained how citizens react to populism, nor how populism affects them. Check out interview with European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) executive director Assya Kavrakova and find out how DEMOS's action research fills that gap and how it will try to detect populist fakenews.
Our results
Long-term impact of unhealthy food tax on consumption and the drivers behind: A longitudinal study in Hungary
Importance of social inequalities to contact patterns, vaccine uptake, and epidemic dynamics
Manna, A., Koltai, J. & Karsai, M. Importance of social inequalities to contact patterns, vaccine uptake, and epidemic dynamics. Nature Communication 15, 4137 (2024).
The role of digital status in adult child–parent relationships in European comparative perspective
Attitudes Toward Immigration in Europe. New publication by Ivett Szalma
Ivett Szalma & Marieke Heers (2024) Attitudes Toward Immigration in Europe. Understanding the Links Between Pronatalism and Voluntary Childlessness, International Journal of Sociology, DOI: 10.1080/00207659.2024.2319420
Anti-pluralism, labour market policy and the pandemic: Political uses and social consequences of COVID-19 in Hungary
Gárdos, J., Hungler, S., & Illéssy, M. (2024) Anti-pluralism, Labour Market Policy and the Pandemic: Political Uses and Social Consequences of COVID-19 in Hungary. Social & Legal Studies, 0(0). Online first. Q1.
New publication: Solidarity with displaced People from Ukraine in Hungary
Shrinking space. The changing political opportunities of advocacy groups in illiberal governance
Zsolt Boda's latest paper
Identification of social scientifically relevant topics in an interview repository: a natural language processing experiment
Judit Gárdos, Julia Egyed-Gergely, Anna Horváth, Balázs Pataki, Roza Vajda, András Micsik
Paper published in the Journal of Documentation, on 13 October 2023
Beyond multidirectional memory: Opening pathways to politics and solidarity
15 June, 2023
Recently published:
Kékesi, Z., & Zombory, M. (2023). Beyond multidirectional memory: Opening pathways to politics and solidarity. Memory Studies, 0(0).
Illés–Körösényi: The touch of the leader. Representation and responsiveness in plebiscitary leader democracy
June 2023
Gábor Illés & András Körösényi (2023) The touch of the leader: representation and responsiveness in plebiscitary leader democracy, Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, DOI: 10.1080/1600910X.2023.2220086