Call for Papers: Social integration and inter-ethnic relations in schools

Call for Papers, full version

Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics (IEEJSP) invites original research papers for its thematic issue on Social integration and inter-ethnic relations in schools (guest editors: Károly TakácsEszter NeumannDorottya Kisfalusi).

Deadline for sending the abstracts: May, 2019


The social integration and school inclusion of disadvantaged ethnic minorities and of pupils with foreign, migrant and refugee backgrounds are key problems to educational policy. Existing research highlights that even successful integration programs could only enhance social integration at the interpersonal level to a limited extent and resulted in few inter-ethnic friendship relations. At the same time, social and educational inequalities and prejudices towards ethnic minorities persisted within schools.

The thematic issue invites submissions that explore the social relations of disadvantaged ethnic minorities in different countries, with a special focus on classroom-level inter-ethnic peer relations in compulsory education. We welcome papers using various research methods, including qualitative and quantitative techniques, such as interviews, focus groups, survey methods, field experiments, and network studies. Longitudinal analyses that examine the dynamics of integration or assess the long-term effects of integration measures on attitudes towards minorities are particularly encouraged. In addition to studies providing deeper insight to ethnic integration in schools, submissions may also target explanatory questions comparing the good recipes and practices of integration, and educational interventions that could mitigate persisting inequalities in academic achievement. In line with the general philosophy of IEEJSP, the thematic issue seeks to promote multidisciplinary, comparative, and critical thinking on ethnic integration in schools in different societies. Both country-specific case studies and international comparative analyses will contribute to our understanding of the nature and dynamics of ethnic integration through schooling in the developmental periods of pre-adolescence and adolescence.