Call for Papers for the Workshop on Constitutional Interpretation in Emergencies in Europe
CALL FOR PAPERS - Workshop on Constitutional Interpretation in Emergencies in Europe
Established in 2012, the Centre for Social Sciences (CSS), a Centre of Excellence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, is currently a partner in nine EU-funded projects within the frameworks of both Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. This amounts to over €1.3 million in funding for excellent and innovative research.
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CSS is part of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network, an independent public institution managed by a 13-member Governing Board and accountable to the Hungarian Parliament. CSS is classified as a public budgetary institution, making it eligible not only to submit proposals to any EU funding programme but also to participate in EU-funded projects as a coordinator, partner, or sole beneficiary.
Featured news
CALL FOR PAPERS - Workshop on Constitutional Interpretation in Emergencies in Europe
Gergő Medve-Bálint and his co-author, Jakub Szabó has recently published an article entitled The "EU-Leash": Growth Model Resilience and Change in the EU's Eastern Periphery in Politics and Governance.
Gárdos, J., Hungler, S., & Illéssy, M. (2024). Anti-pluralism, Labour Market Policy and the Pandemic: Political Uses and Social Consequences of COVID-19 in Hungary. Social & Legal Studies, 0(0). Online first. Q1.
New paper by Ervin Csizmadia 'The Logic of Hungarian Political Development (1990-2022): Historical Political Perspectives' has been published by Lexington Books.
Joó T, Foley K, Brys Z, et al (2024). Impact of regulatory tightening of the Hungarian tobacco retail market on availability, access and cigarette smoking prevalence of adolescents. Tobacco Control. Online First. (Online first; IF:5,2; D1 in Health-Social Science)
New paper by Gergő Medve-Bálint and Andrea Éltető 'Economic nationalists, regional investment aid, and the stability of FDI-led growth in East Central Europe' has been published in the Journal of European Public Policy.
CALL FOR PAPERS - International conference on “Legal discourses on international and EU migration/refugee law in Central and Eastern Europe: emerging new narratives or business as usual?”
Albert Fruzsina, Brys Zoltán, Gerdán Mercédesz, Herke Boglárka (2023). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on important relationships in Hungary. In: István, Grajczjár; Laki, Ildikó (szerk.) Epidemic and society, trends, consequences, coping strategies. Budapest, Magyarország : Milton Friedman University. 163 p. pp. 7-34. , 28 p.
Stefkovics, Á. (2023). The association between the interviewers’ and the respondents’ political attitudes in a telephone survey. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1-14. Q1, IF: 3.3
The plaque was given by the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for our colleague's outstanding scientific performance.
Our results
New publication: Ágnes Győri, Éva Perpék, Szilvia Ádám: Mental health risk in human services work across Europe: the predictive role of employment in various sectors. Frontiers in Public Health-ben (Q1, IF: 3)
30 January, 2025
4 November, 2024
Expert workshop on 9 October, 2024
Manna, A., Koltai, J. & Karsai, M. Importance of social inequalities to contact patterns, vaccine uptake, and epidemic dynamics. Nature Communication 15, 4137 (2024).
Ivett Szalma & Marieke Heers (2024) Attitudes Toward Immigration in Europe. Understanding the Links Between Pronatalism and Voluntary Childlessness, International Journal of Sociology, DOI: 10.1080/00207659.2024.2319420
Gárdos, J., Hungler, S., & Illéssy, M. (2024) Anti-pluralism, Labour Market Policy and the Pandemic: Political Uses and Social Consequences of COVID-19 in Hungary. Social & Legal Studies, 0(0). Online first. Q1.
Zsolt Boda's latest paper