Centre for Social Sciences in H2020 and Horizon Europe

Established in 2012, the Centre for Social Sciences (CSS), a Centre of Excellence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, is currently a partner in nine EU-funded projects within the frameworks of both Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. This amounts to over €1.3 million in funding for excellent and innovative research.

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CSS is part of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network, an independent public institution managed by a 13-member Governing Board and accountable to the Hungarian Parliament. CSS is classified as a public budgetary institution, making it eligible not only to submit proposals to any EU funding programme but also to participate in EU-funded projects as a coordinator, partner, or sole beneficiary.


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Are you interested in visiting an ERC grantee and collaborating with our research team?

Computational Social Science

Are you interested in visiting an ERC grantee and collaborating with our research team?

We are happy to host visiting scholars who are working on the topics that match our interests in the research funded by an ERC Grant. We use various methods that include agent-based models, advanced models of network dynamics, and text analytics to study the relationship between gossip, reputation, and cooperation. Please consult our homepage for further information on the project.

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