Zsolt Szabolcsi

Research Interests
Zsolt Szabolcsi, PhD-candidate is an assistant researcher at the Centre of Social Sciences, Budapest. He is currently in the process of PhD defence at the Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, Social Science Department, Interdisciplinary Social Research program. He has developed his interest towards the psychosocial aspects of coping- and identity strategies of minorities during his masters at Central European University and this interest has led him further into the field of reality construction through the media. His main interest is the impact of media on the audience. Whether it is related to the reception of sustainability related themes, fact-checking and disinformation, or political narratives communicated through the news, audience research is carried out by him. Furthermore, he is also interested in content analysis of all types of mediums with a variety of methods. He has gained his experience through participation in the Bridges Project on the analysis of migration related narratives and through his own project supported by the National Scholarship of Excellence.