Alexandra Sipos

- Department: Research Department for Families and Social Relations
- Academic Title: PhD
- Email:
- Building: B (Floor, room: 1.13)
Research Interests
Alexandra Sipos, PhD works at the Centre for Social Sciences (Budapest, Hungary) as a research fellow. She defended her PhD with summa cum laude evaluation at Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary) in 2021. Her doctoral thesis focused on the recognition of partnerships and kinships in Hungary with regard to marriage equality. Her research topics include human rights and equality concerning gender and sexual minorities, especially the recognition of same-sex couples, sexualities and gender studies, the sociology of law and youth policy. She took part in an Erasmus+ exchange in 2019 at the University of Florence to research decisions of the Italian Constitutional Court. Following up on that research, Alexandra received a scholarship from the New National Excellence Programme in 2020, during which she conducted comparative research on Hungarian and Italian Constitutional Court decisions. She has been active in the youth policy field at the national and European levels since 2012. Currently, she is involved in several kinds of research, including a Horizon Europe project (UNTWIST), a Hungarian Academy of Sciences Momentum (MTA Lendület) programme (“Momentum” Reproductive Sociology Research Group) and the Feminist Judgments in Central and Eastern Europe project.