Boglárka Herke

- Department: Research Department for Families and Social Relations
- Academic Title: PhD
- Email:
- Building: B (Floor, room: 1.19)
Research Interests
Boglárka Herke, PhD is Research Fellow at the Institute of Sociology, Centre for Social Sciences. She defended her PhD thesis on the perceived welfare deservingness of single mothers in 2022 at the Doctoral School of Sociology and Communication Studies of Corvinus University of Budapest. Her main research interests include single-parent families, welfare attitudes, attitudes towards single-parent families, family policy and family sociology. During her doctoral studies she received a three-month visiting research stipend (Jos Bergman Welfare Studies Stipend) at the Team Social Policy and Social Work of KU Leuven, and research scholarhips from the Hungarian New National Excellence Programme (ÚNKP) and the Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In 2023, she won the János Bolyai Research Scholarship for her project "Welfare deservingness of genders and family types". In recent years, she has published in leading international journals such as Journal of Social Policy, International Journal of Social Welfare, East European Politics and Societies and Social Inclusion. She is an editor at