Dóra Gábriel

Project researcher
(TK SZI)- Academic Title: PhD
- Email: Gabriel.Dora@tk.hun-ren.hu
Research Interests
Dóra Gábriel holds a PhD degree in sociology at the University of Pécs, Hungary. Currently she is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Sociology at the CSS, where she studies the process of marketization of care within the project Researching the transnational organization of senior care, labor and mobility in Central and Eastern Europe funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung. Her fields of interest are transnational care, marketization of care and international retirement migration. Her other postdoctoral research focuses on the silver economy and social innovation in eldercare. She is a member of the EuroCare research network and the Karl Polanyi Research Center for Global Social Studies. She organizes scientific webinars and conferences at the Hungarian Sociological Association. She is in the Ethics Advisory Board of the ReloCare project. Her publication activity includes over 15 book chapters and journal articles published in English and Hungarian. Her first book [Migrant care work in the life course of rural women] was published in 2022.