Judit Durst
Research Fellow (TK KI)
- Department:
- Academic Title: PhD
- Email: durst.judit@tk.hun-ren.hu
- Phone: +36 1 224-6700 / 5224
- Building: T (Floor, room: 1.32)
Research Interests
I am an ethnographer, conducting researches in a multidisciplinary field of Social Anthropology, Anthropological Demography, Economic Sociology/Anthropology, Urban/Rural Sociology and Sociology of Migration. I wrote my PhD thesis on the reproductive behavior of poor Roma communities in North Hungary. My latest project is on 'Social mobility and ethnicity : trajectories, outcomes, and the hidden costs of educational mobility". I am also currently part of a Hungarian research team working on the migration-development nexus in backward regions in Hungary. I’ve been long carrying on ethnographic fieldwork in "shanty villages" in North-Hungary, studying precarious low-wage work abroad, informal money lending and indebtedness among the poor.